Forthcoming book.

I am very excited to tell you that I am writing a book! Fantasy fiction with a touch of true life events thrown in.....all about the events surrounding one particularly special door.

So come with me and enjoy the magical journey that two special little girls and their father embarked upon once they discovered......The Fairy Door!

To wet your appetite, here is the first page of my book.....I hope you enjoy it, and thank you for taking a look...

"The piece and quiet of that crisp summers morning was shattered in an instant by the piercing shrieks from the two little girls.

"Daddy! Daddy!.....there's sparkly dust all over the floor!" It's all over our pillows and bed!"

The girls father sleepily rolled over and unsuccessfully attempted to open a very heavy eyelid. "Who's made all the mess then? You'd better clean it all up when you are finished."

The girl's father was in no mood for housework this morning, and certainly in no rush to jump out of bed at stupid o'clock in the morning. He had been up for most of the night working on a secret project. He did these things now and again and was very, very tired.

"We didn't do anything daddy, it was already like it when we woke up."

The girls father put the chatter down to the usual childhood antics that swamp a kids imagination at that age. He decided to play along with the imaginary game , at least it would keep them occupied for a while and who knows, maybe it would allow him a few more minutes of peace and quiet. Oh how wrong could a person be!

"Where does the sparkly dust go then?" he called. There was a rushed scamper of little feet as the girls followed the fine trail of twinkling powder around their room. Over their beds, across the pillows, through the big heap of toys on the floor and out of their bedroom door. Finally it led them out onto the landing. The sound of footsteps came to an abrupt stop.

The sparkly dust disappeared around the thick bannister post at the top of the stairs. The girls were now on their hands and knees, carefully and warily creeping forwards inch by inch. There was an air of excitement as the girls looked around the top of the stairs, they were now holding hands for extra courage.

They were whispering now, something their daddy heard and was ever so slightly unsettled by. Whispering or quietness was usually a sign that the girls were up to something, and nine times out of ten it was mischief. He thought to himself that if he ever bran a parenting class, much more emphasis would be placed on the dangers of lying in when your kids are awake. Chaos and devastation normally followed an incident of this.

Then came a cry that totally obliterated any chance of the girls father getting a peaceful lie in, evidence of a discovery that was to change the lives of those two little girls forever."

                                                       Thank you for reading.....

                                                          The Fairy Door Maker.

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